
Use Of This Website

Any information contained within the Yourankwell.ca website is offered solely for informational / educational purposes. If you choose to go ahead and implement any of it on your own website, I cannot be held liable for any negative effects you or your business may experience.


No Guarantees Of “Number One” (#1) Rankings

This also includes “Top Ten Rankings” for any amount of keywords or keyword phrases.

My goal is to get you good rankings, but a competitive search term may need to be adapted into more broadened search phrasing. If you are a local real estate agent and insist on ranking for “Real Estate Agents Toronto”, it isn’t going to happen without investing a lot of time (years) and money (tens of thousands) no matter who you hire.

Search ranking results also vary depending on search engine and location. A mobile search for specific services performed in Toronto will provide different results than one performed on a desktop computer.


No “Black-Hat” Or Spammy SEO

While I appreciate that some spammy tactics continue to work, they eventually won’t and any gains you have made will be lost.

I do not engage in SEO techniques that are regarded as spammy, “black-hat” or that violate Google’s guidelines.


I Will Require A Retainer

My initial consultation with you is free, however there comes a point when I need to be paid for my time. If you are serious about your project and hiring me, this shouldn’t be a problem.


I Can Hold Your Spot For 7 Days

I accept projects as they come and turn away others if I am too busy at that particular time. If you fail to update me on your status or schedule, I will have reserved the right to deem the project as ‘stagnant’ after 7 days. If you are going to be busy for a few days or more, please let me know and we can continue whenever you do become available.


All Payments Made To Me Are Up-Front And Non-Refundable

All of my work is done in ‘good faith’ and the strategy I take will have been explained to you in advance. Great results are sometimes the result of trial-and-error and are part of the overall process.


I Reserve The Right To Bill You For All Of My Time

While I don’t typically bill clients for calls or email, I may need to if the amount of time spent on them begins to affect the amount of time I can spend on actual work.

I will inform you if this is the case.


SEO Success Can Fade Over Time

You’ve undoubtedly heard this before, but SEO really is an ongoing process.

If you stop working on it, some of your competitors probably won’t and you will most likely lose some ground in your search engine rankings over time.

I don’t bother with contracts, however you should understand that halting the SEO process typically means fewer gains for you in the future and that I can’t be blamed for them not lasting.


You Cannot Interfere With My Work

This one is very important and means that you cannot, knowingly or otherwise, delay my efforts or make any changes to my efforts without my prior consent.

This would include (but is not limited to):

Adding, removing, renaming or otherwise changing any files, folders, web pages or anything else related to your website.

Making any changes on a web page that I have already worked on or that is considered to have been optimized by me.

Creating links, whether to or from, other websites and / or directories.

You understand that you are solely responsible for such changes and that they will be made at your expense.


New Websites Take Longer For The Search Engines To Index

If your domain name and / or website are new, it will be a matter of months before you will see any consistent search results. There is no process in place to “speed things up” and you just need to be patient.

I can work on it in the meantime (so as to be ready when it does start to show up), but you won’t see any sort of real results for a while.



“Backlinks” are instances where other websites link back to your website. Google treats quality backlinks as virtual references and search engine rankings are closely related to them.

Your specific industry and level of online competition may require me to actively engage in a backlink acquisition campaign (on your behalf) and top rankings may not be possible without doing so.


Rankings Are Not Immediate

Work that I have completed needs time to be indexed and ranked within the search engines.

For example: Expecting a page that was optimized on Tuesday to be ranking higher by Saturday is technically unreasonable.


“Local Search” Is Different Than “Organic Search”

If you don’t have a physical business address, you probably aren’t going to beat the websites that do in the local searches.

Local SEO results are based primarily on proximity and simply saying you are local is different than demonstrating it with a physical address.

If you are trying to rank in areas where you are not physically located, the organic search results might be your only option.


I Report To ONE Person

In order to keep things simple, I can only report to – and answer to – one person in a given company. This would include telephone calls, email or any other method of communication.


Third Parties May Impede My Progress

I typically work alone and make changes to websites directly.

If you are already working with a web designer (or anyone else) who insists on making changes on my behalf, I will not be able to participate in the project.


Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the above points, please contact me and I will be more than happy to explain everything in detail.

Schedule A Free telephone Consult

Automatically schedule a specific date and time for a free, no-obligation, 30-minute telephone conversation where we will discuss your website’s performance, goals, budget & much, much more!

(It Takes 2 Minutes)