Let's Keep Helping One Another

My Response To The COVID-19 Pandemic

Strange times have hit us all hard and I am doing what I can to help reduce the spread of this horrible virus.

I, along with my family, are doing our best to self-isolate and only one adult goes out to get absolute essentials (such as groceries).

I have closed my offices to any in-person visits, but I am still working and can communicate with clients via telephone, email and software such as Face Time, Zoom, and Team Viewer.

From a productivity point of view, not much has changed.

But what has definitely changed – and changed in a hurry – is the level of certainty we all shared just a few weeks ago.

Jobs, income and what’s to come in the future are up in the air and a lot of people are hurting.

A lot of people in our communities have stepped-up and I would like to thank them all.

Our nurses, grocery clerks, service providers and everyone in-between have been putting their personal health and lives at risk.

We are all appreciative and want you to know that.

A lot of times, I hear owners say they just don’t have the time to get to working on their websites & SEO – or the budgets to deal with it – and I think the current climate presents some of us with the chance to finally work on some things.

If you’re in the financial position to consider it, get in touch with me and we can talk about what your goals are moving forward and how we can accomplish them together.

You can schedule a free telephone consult with me by clicking below.

Schedule A Free telephone Consult

Automatically schedule a specific date and time for a free, no-obligation, 30-minute telephone conversation where we will discuss your website’s performance, goals, budget & much, much more!

(It Takes 2 Minutes)